Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Women s Beauty Standards - 1160 Words
Beauty Standards Throughout history the standards for a women’s beauty have always been there. While they have changed over time, women have always had an expectation to meet. That has not changed to this day. In today’s society we like to think that were are all equal, whether that is based on race, ableism or sex. However, we are not equal. A concept like beauty standards stands in the way of that equality. Whether it is how sexualized a woman may be or how close she is to the ideal beauty, still make her inferior to men. The media plays a vast role in what is considered to be the ideal beauty. Amongst the movies, television shows, magazines and advertisements women have a lot to live up too. The media surrounds the public with â€Å"images of beautiful, thin (although fit, sculpted and large breasted) young, abled, smiling women†(188 Women’s Voices). The media in the U.S. society is making it particularly challenging for a women to accept the way she actually looks. These images of gorgeous women set standards of beauty to the other women that are then internalized. Companies that provide ways to modify the body, whether it is something as little as make up to something as large as reconstructive surgery, are becoming multimillion dollar industries. These industries are making all their money off of women who are trying to match an image that has already been modified itself. Women will pay to be able to achieve that standard of beauty. They are doing it to get theShow MoreRelatedMedia s Influence On Beauty Standards Of Women1213 Words  | 5 PagesInfluence on Beauty Standards of Women There are several types of social standards that are held in the world today. Among those standards are the beauty standards of how women should look. This is one of the most talked about topic of discussions today. 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